Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Megplant: what's my name?
Posted by Peeps at 2:26 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Jeez Chineez: Jerk Face
So I am officially a jerk face. And I'm even more of a jerk face...because I don't really feel bad about what I did.
I told someone their "Chinese" tattoo didn't mean what they CLAIMED it meant. If everyone doesn't know this about me already, I get really heated about Chinese (having grown up in China) and even more so about Chinese tattoos on people who don't speak a lick of Chinese. Now I have plenty of friends with these tattoos...and it's all good. For the most part, I just try to close my eyes and ignore people with Chinese tattoos all together because trying to read them just pisses me off because 99% of the does NOT mean what they truly believe it means. Or better yet. It means NOTHING at all because it's written wrong.
Well...I ran across a gossip blog online while looking for tattoos (practically a daily occurrence...looking for tattoos I mean...) and there it was. The Chinese tattoo and the claimed "meaning." And I just lost it. I said THAT'S IT!! and went and translated it with my trusty online Chinese dictionary (because John's Chinese dictionary was printed in the states...which means it's MISSING half the vocabulary...stupid!! And of course MINE was no where to be found...) to make sure I had the meanings right and then wrote the person and told them I hated to be the bearer of bad news but their tattoo actually meant this that and the other. I can't say I didn't feel extremely smug and smartassy afterward...and a little bad also. And that smug/bad feeling still lingers. But a huge sense of relief also has remained...because I ALWAYS hold this stuff in and I finally just said it how it was and they can take it however they'd like.
So...there's my rant for today. Hopefully someone found it interesting/entertaining/unoffensive.
Posted by Peeps at 6:31 AM 4 comments
Labels: Chinese, Dictionary, DUH, Tattoo, Translation
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
JeeVee: Sideways VooDoo Foos
So...we enjoy a little lunchie...and then played a game with the boys.
Posted by Peeps at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Megplant: This Post Is Too Important for a Title
um, so, yeah.
Posted by Peeps at 8:41 AM 1 comments
JeeVee: Monday and a Frog.
So, this morning...I get to my desk, and there's my candy dish! No...not a REAL frog thilly - a PRETEND one! lol!
Well, intrigued by the mystery of this frog...I quickly inspected it and saw a button! Yes, you know I pushed it!!
It started singing...and boppin it's head side to side. It was loud for a little frog. There was no "OFF" option! It was a looooooong song. Right Meg? haha.
In any case, it wasn't going to live on my, I found a home for it. Right between mine & Megs desk. It seemed fitting, especially with some greenery around it...seee:Anyways, Mr. Frog did bring an interesting start to my Monday! Let's see how the rest of the day goes!
Posted by Peeps at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Jeez Chineez: New Digs...Er...Threads?
Well there you have it folks...(folks?)...NEW BACKGROUND! I was told to find something quirkier and this is what ensued. Still playing around so if someone hates it, keep it to yourself and spare my dignity. Just kidding. Well I sure like it. Obviously. Hopefully someone else will too. Or everyone. Cool.
Okay. It's past midnight and I'm making backgrounds for our blog. I have no life. Going to bed! Someone else post something so it aint just the Gretchen & Rachel show. I can just hear the theme music now...
P.S. The reason I mostly chose this background, by the way in case anyone cared, is because it made me think of Seattle and it made me think of traveling because of me being so far away. So there you have it. :)
Posted by Peeps at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Jeez Chineez: Amen Sista!
It has begun... *pause for effect and ominous thunder in the background*
I am beside myself stoked about this idea of a blog for us all to ramble our thoughts. I am in stitches reading our monthly newsletter every single dang time and the thought of a blog where everyone can contribute their wit and character makes me...well...stoked. So I repeat myself. Deal.
I miss everyone! I especially miss the energy of the office. Like...for realz. A LOT. Being way over here is a very disconnecting feeling and I miss hovering over Jee Vee's desk watching random youtube videos (usually about weddings...usually) and just enjoying the whole office's company...especially in the kitchen in the early morning. Everyone is so much more interesting in the morning. But now I'm here and I miss it all...and hear about all the fun everyone is having and feel left out! (Ehem...still waiting on my Summer Olympics T-shirt. Just sayin is all...)
So...yes...this blog idea is awesome and about darned time. So chatter away everyone. Go ahead and rub it in on how much I'm missing everything in the northwest. You're just jealous I live close to a beach! :(
Posted by Peeps at 12:07 PM 1 comments
JeeVee: It's About Dang Time!
Since Rachel moved out to NC, we'd been talking about starting a blog ~ one that the peoples could use to stay connected. You know, because emailing and twittering and facebooking and IMing just wasn't enough! :D it is!
The forum for EmDub (MW) Peeps! We can bring hellos . funnies . thoughts . photos . nonsense . whatever you like to the table.
Oh..and notice how I titled my entry? Can we keep it in that format so we know who's post we're reading? coooooool!
ok..carry on!
Posted by Peeps at 11:31 AM 0 comments