Friday, September 11, 2009

Jeez Chineez: Amen Sista!

It has begun... *pause for effect and ominous thunder in the background*
I am beside myself stoked about this idea of a blog for us all to ramble our thoughts. I am in stitches reading our monthly newsletter every single dang time and the thought of a blog where everyone can contribute their wit and character makes me...well...stoked. So I repeat myself. Deal.
I miss everyone! I especially miss the energy of the office. Like...for realz. A LOT. Being way over here is a very disconnecting feeling and I miss hovering over Jee Vee's desk watching random youtube videos (usually about weddings...usually) and just enjoying the whole office's company...especially in the kitchen in the early morning. Everyone is so much more interesting in the morning. But now I'm here and I miss it all...and hear about all the fun everyone is having and feel left out! (Ehem...still waiting on my Summer Olympics T-shirt. Just sayin is all...)
So...yes...this blog idea is awesome and about darned time. So chatter away everyone. Go ahead and rub it in on how much I'm missing everything in the northwest. You're just jealous I live close to a beach! :(

1 comments: Peeps said...

JeeVee: Love you tooo!!!!