Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jeez Chineez: Sleep, no I never get enough.

The past week, I've stayed up until past 1am every night. Every. Single. Night. Over the weekend it was more like 3...4am. Most of the blame can be put on the Twilight book series (which I've finished. In a week. Yes. Thank you. Thank you very much.) but also just on the fact that...I don't really want to go to sleep when it's time and I find ways of avoiding it and then regret those ways when I finally wake up in the morning. I've always hated the snooze button. I mean how obnoxious. You get to sleep in 5 minute intervals and then get jerked awake repeatedly with the alarm again. I would always grab John's phone and turn the alarm off after it was going off to prevent him from hitting snooze cuz it drove me NUTS! Now, it's all I do. Snooze, snooze, snooze.
It's getting bad. To the point where I'm forgetting to do things. Normal basic things. Like washing my face or tattoo in the shower. Or turning on the lights. Or putting dryer sheets in the laundry. Or adding water to the coffee maker. Yeah. It's bad. It makes me worry what exactly I am doing at work. Like for real. Am I actually working or dreaming? Am I giving the right answers in tech support? Don't be alarmed. I've been pumping the caffeine all morning and am in a constant state of checking and rechecking my work to make sure I don't say anything stupid like 'Thank you for suing' Oy.
Unfortunately I have one night this week that requires me to stay up. I bought a ticket to New Moon on Thursday. Opening night. And I can only imagine the headache that will ensue with all the screaming teenage girls (and boys I'm sure) in that small cramped theatre. But other than that I am determined to go to sleep. Early. Like...before 11pm. Which is early for me. What's my problem??


JeeVee said...

i slept at 10:45 the other night! YES!

then the next night...1am. yuh!